Thursday, February 11, 2010


In thinking about life, the universe and our place in it all I stand perplexed without answer. I've gazed through my telescope at the specs of light surrounding our little planet. I've gazed at colors of red and blue - those other planets, Mars.. Venus. I've stared into the moons gaze and examined the sun through a camera on the viewfinder.

I can track the orbits, calculate sizes and imagine being on the surface, but no matter how far out I go into what I can see with my eyes it remains nothing too new or unusual. Even if life was somehow viewed it could only arouse more questions than it could answer.

The truth is that 97% of my universe is composed of something not one human can see, taste, smell, hear or touch. Some call it "dark matter" but they don't know it's "dark." A friend of mine recently told me he'd envisioned dark matter as maybe being a color or series of colors we can't see with our poorly developed eyesight.
This really got me thinking about dark matter as it could be anything; a color, a planet maybe.. a huge world? One that could never be understood with our small lenses and puny brains.

Trusting someone with a view that only pulls in 3% of what is out there in that great expanse of seemingly empty space - and mind you these people also claim to be absolutely sure what it is and out place in it all - is like trusting a blind man to guide you through oncoming interstate traffic while riding a bike.

For all we know we compose the molecular structure of a infinitely massive sexual organ. Yes! We are here for sex! Or, just maybe our universe is like a tree and what we know are the roots of this incredibly large extraterrestrial tree. The big bang could then have been the roots branching out into the dark ground. We would all then be a lifeblood to something much bigger than ourselves.. Not quite the geocentric view that was shared by us so long ago - oh wait.. people still believe all that jazz.

The truth is we don't know and can't. I won't attempt to fill in the gaps of knowledge with mindless assumptions and claim understanding because then true understanding can not be.. well.. understood. Einstein said it best "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."

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